Blue Water Humane

Blue Water Area Humane Society




Our location

6266 Lapeer Road

Clyde, MI 48049


Shelter phone









Shelter Hours

Tuesday - Friday

9:30 am to 4:30 pm


9:30 am to 3:00 pm

Sunday and Monday



We are also closed on major holidays



If you have found or need to surrender a pet, please call us at 810-987-4357




Hello Friends, Volunteers and Supporters!

Regular shelter hours are Tuesdays through Fridays 9:30 am to 4:30 pm and Saturdays 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. We are closed to the public Sundays and Mondays.


We do not require appointments to visit our shelter.


Donations for the shelter may be brought into our lobby. Donations for Back to the Wild wildlife rescue may be left in our entry way.

Returnable cans and bottles for Day Dreams Farms Horse Rescue may be brought out any time and left in the plastic gray bin by the scrap metal bins near the dumpster.

Thank you for your continued support.


Please note, we are not legally allowed to accept wildlife. If you have found injured or abandoned wildlife, please do not touch or handle the animal.


Call us for information on local wildlife rehabilitators.




BISSELL PFP Logo       

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Looking for a new best friend?


The animals below are currently available for adoption. Take a look and find your best ever companion!

No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Female Kitten
Baby Girl
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Female Adult
Big Bertha
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Female Senior
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Male Adult
Candy Corn
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Female Adult
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Male Kitten
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Female Adult
Garden (sponsored)
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Female Adult
No photo
Domestic Long Hair (mix) Male Adult
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Male Kitten
Leela (sponsored)
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Female Adult
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Female Adult
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Female Adult
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Female Adult
Olive (sponsored)
No photo
Domestic Long Hair (mix) Female Adult
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Female Adult
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Female Adult
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Female Adult
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Female Adult
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Female Adult
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Male Adult
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Male Kitten
No photo
Domestic Short Hair (mix) Male Adult
No photo
Rex (mix) Female Adult
No photo
Lop Eared (mix) Female Adult
Filters - View Adoptable Pets


We have no pets to show at this time





Click here to make a donation with PayPal


We are always in need of:


Canned Cat Food

Purina Cat Chow

Unscented Clumping Cat Litter

Large Sponges

Rabbit/ Rodent Bedding

Paper Towels

Laundry Soap

Dog Toys and Chews

Cat Toys

Small Paper Plates

Exam Gloves

Dish Washing Gloves

Postage Stamps

Lemon Pine Sol

Bottled Water

Lysol Multi Surface

Rabbit Hay

Zip Lock Bags (all sizes)

Blankets and Towels


Click here for our Amazon Wish List.


Upgrading your washer and dryer? We are constantly doing laundry here at Blue Water Area Humane Society, we would be glad to put your old washer and dryer to good use!

We welcome donations any time. Every little bit helps keep our Shelter running and the animals healthy and happy!




Dogs and Puppies: $75

Cats and Kittens: $50

Rabbits and other Small Pets: $10-$20 depending on the pet

Adoption Fees are Waived for Special Needs Pets


All Dog/ Puppies and Cats/ Kittens are spayed and neutered prior to adoption as well as up to date on vaccines, tested for Heartworm and FELV/ FIV, Dewormed, Microchipped and started on Flea and Heartworm prevention. 

Please feel free to fill out an application and email it over. Sometimes it can take a day to approve applications.

Cat Application: Click Here

Dog Application: Click Here

Rabbit Application: Click Here




Interested in Volunteering?

Volunteer Orientation Meetings are

scheduled through out the month with a

limited amount of attendees.

Please call us at 810-987-4357 and ask to speak to Bonnie!


 Shelter Help

 There are many opportunities to help out at our busy shelter. Some of our daily "chores" include walking the dogs, cleaning cages, washing dishes, doing laundry, giving fresh food and water to the animals and much much more.

 Please come to one of our Volunteer Orientation Meetings!  At the meeting you will: Get a tour of the facility, meet the staff, fill out the necessary paperwork, learn about who we are at BWAHS and what we do, get information on disease prevention and much more!

 Most opportunities are for volunteers over the age of 18, however we do accept kids with their parents supervision to help socialize the cats in our free range cat rooms. Over the summers, we even have kids come in to practice their reading skills by reading out loud to the cats!









 In 1887, a group of concerned individuals joined forces in an effort to ensure      humane treatment of animals in St. Clair County.

 Today, your Blue Water Area Humane Society, a no-kill, full service organization, is still a donation supported partnership of people working together to ensure responsible care for and respectful treatment of companion animals in St. Clair County and the surrounding area.

No animal is refused admittance because of breed or type.  If we are full, we stop accepting new animals for a few days until some are adopted and we have space available.  While in our care, all animals are vaccinated and wormed.  Dogs are tested for heartworm.  Cats are tested for FELV & FIV.  Cats and dogs are treated for fleas/ear mites if necessary.  All known medical and dental problems are cared for and all animals are neutered and microchipped before leaving Blue Water Area Humane Society.

We are active in our community. We address pet over-population through our Spay & Neuter Voucher Program for limited income families.  In many instances the Vouchers cover the entire cost of the surgery. When we have the resources available, we can also assist the public with pet food.

 We are a ‘companion animal welfare’ organization, not an ‘animal rights’ group.  We spend no money ‘lobbying’ for anything.  Nor do we take a stand either for or against hunting and fishing, etc.

We are a 501(c)(3) organization and are funded by donations only.  We do not receive any monies from governmental agencies or other humane societies. 

The mission of your Blue Water Area Humane Society is to care for companion animals whose families can no longer care for them.  To adopt them into permanent, loving homes and to end, through spaying and neutering, the horrific pet over-population problem (particularly among cats) which exists in St. Clair County.



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Blue Water Area Humane Society

6266 Lapeer Road

Clyde, MI 48049


Shelter phone




Click here to email us



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